Submission Guidelines

Submit a separate google form for each category you submit to. If you are submitting multiple pieces to the same category, keep it all on the same form but make sure to distinguish between pieces (separate links or obvious page break). You can submit to any category as long as you adhere to the submission rules listed below. All work should be submitted through the Draft 303 Submission Form

Poetry: 1- 5 submissions, words: 10-500 each, any format as long as it fits the word count

Fiction: 1- 2 submissions, words: 500-1500 each 

Excerpts: 1- 2 submissions, words: 500-1500 each 

Creative Nonfiction: 1-2 submissions, words: 500-1500 each 

Prompt Responses: 1 submission, (any form ~ 1,000 word limit)

Prompt: Your character(s) have to make a decision that doesn’t seem important to others but is life or death to them.


No explicit content. We will determine if your content is too explicit upon submission. (This does not include cursing, curse as you like). We will not accept pieces that do not adhere to the formatting listed above.Contact us with your questions and concerns!

All work should be submitted through the Draft 303 Submission.

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